Monday, June 8, 2020

MakeCode for Minecraft Education - Activity 2

This tutorial went well. I did all of the instructions, then decided that I didn't want to die every time, so I added more code. It worked.

Flower Trail
This tutorial also went well. The bouquets of flowers that I created were beautiful, but soon there were too many. I added a command to spawn sheep, so they could eat the flowers.

Super Powers
This tutorial did NOT go well. I was typing far too quickly and made many spelling mistakes. Eventually, I rewrote the whole code, and it worked. Exhaustion was set upon me so great, however, that I could see no improvements to be made.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Makecode for Minecraft Education - Activity 1

I added comments in the slideshow, but I will also talk here. I originally set up a system for wolves and ocelots to fight, but after that... Well, you'll see. I had to restructure a lot of the code many times, and Minecraft Education's code system is odd. An If-Else gate will get stuck on the second 'If', making I-Else gates un-usable. Still, for what my arena can do, I am satisfied.