Thursday, March 12, 2020


For this challenge, you have to build a machine that will successfully catapult the steel ball into the purple box, without touching the red cliff. There are many ways to complete this challenge, for example my in-progress solution, a Rocket-Powered Trebuchet.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Loch Ness Challenge

 I completed this challenge very quickly. It was hard at first, until I got the idea to make it all motors, then by tripling the amount of motors until it had 80, it got across the lake.
This challenge is about making it past the Loch Ness monster, but really, the only monster is this thing. It gets across with a surprisingly high rate of success, and nothing seems to stop it.
It's only real flaw is the amount of raw terror it invokes in me, to the point that I forgot to save my design. It can fight the Loch Ness monster and win, but it will be forever shunned and feared by humanity.
The only thing more terrifying then seeing it still, is seeing what it looks like when it moves. Each peace spins from a range of 15 rpm-80 rpm. This makes the smaller pieces fly around it, making it seem bigger then it actually is. These also help with grip, allowing it to traverse more obstacles and be the apex predator

Monday, March 2, 2020

Landslide Challenge

My day one progress way productive. I created the basis for the final design, and though it left room for improvement, this is the design that would eventually save the town.
 My Day 2 progress did nothing for the town. The added design did nothing, and though with enough trials it could, it doesn't effect anything
Though the design is finished, it isn't 100% effective. 4/5 times it will save the town, but occasionally a rock will slip past and knock someone down.